
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Salsa Class

I had my first salsa class yesterday. Oh my gosh it was so much fun. Besides the fact that I have no rhythm, it actually went pretty well. I´ll be taking classes all week and I think that I will be a professional by the time Friday comes. My teachers name is Carlos, he is Marina´s (my spanish teacher) dance partner. I´m taking the class with Kati who is from Vienna, Austria (my favorite city in the whole world). Everything was going great during the lesson, in fact Carlos and I were able to dance together. I thought I was an expert until I clocked the hell out of Carlos in the mouth with my elbow. I hit him with so much force that I knocked him back about 5 feet. He just hunched over holding his jaw. I was embarrassedsed. I couldn´t believe it. After an excrutiatingly long 60 seconds he stood up straight, and said "Don´t worry, I´m fine...let´s dance". I could have died. I never realized how dangerous I was. I am no longer aftraid to walk down the street by myself here because all´s I have to do is turn really fast with my elbow sticking out. Watch out now...I´m dangerous...or clumsy...

Monday, September 29, 2003

Earthquakes, Chichi and No Toilet Paper

Antigua is full of ruined churches. They are ruined because every hundred years there are huge earthquakes. Now there has not been a really strong earthquake since the mid 70´s, but I never really thought that maybe there would be one while I was here. The other night I was sleeping. I woke up to the bed shaking and all the windows rattling. It stopped almost immediately and I thought maybe it was a really big truck that went by the house. The next morning, I asked Iris if we had had an earthquake. She said Yes. AAAHHHHH Not cool. Then she goes on to tell me that there was one the week before I came....Yikes. So of course I have to go off the deep end with this. I immediately begin to construct my escape plan in the event of a major earthquake. I´m imagining the marines airlifting me out of the rubble of Antigua. Then I´m thinking I need to stock up on bottled water and all that stuff. Before I went to the grocery store I decided that maybe I should check out the U.S. Geological Survey website. Well I get there and they have this list of like earthquakes that are happening every week in Guatemala. I go into complete freakout mode and decide I need more information. Anyway. After a good amount of research on the faultlines and stuff I have decided that these small earthquakes are very common. Infact that are weekly occurances all over central america. So that world crisis is solved...

This weekend I went to Chichicastenango. It is a town where they have a huge market on Sunday and you can buy all things Mayan for really cheap. We took a minivan up there with a tour agency. It was amazing how much the landscape was like western Noth Carolina. Actually, if you had set me down in Guatemala without telling me where I was I would have thought I was near my parents house...really pine trees and all. The market was great, but I really didn´t buy anything. I just helped the other girls bargain (I never buy unless it´s 50% off the original price...Thanks Mom). By 1:15 we were exhausted and decided to eat lunch. We were leaving at 2 for the 3 hour ride back so we ate quickly. When we got to the restaraunt we had to walk through a little convenience store and then the dinning area was behind that. When they got us our drinks, they took it directly from the little fridge in the convenience store. Obviously owned by the same people. Anyway. I decided I needed to go to the bathroom before we leave. I get in there and not only is there no soap to wash my hands, but there is no toilet paper...great. I went to the bathroom any way and when I came out warned the others to take there napkins. As I´m telling them this I look over and behind the counter there are about 100 rolls of toilet paper for sale. What the heck. They couldn´t carry a roll back there. I was like you have got to be kidding me. Only in Guatemala...

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Adam and Aaron Fan Club

When I was in Guatemala this summer I had the opportunity to work at a center with children from low income families. It was a wonderful experience. Adam and Aaron who were also on the trip with me worked there for six or seven weeks. Yesterday I went to the center to tell them that I would begin working next week. I was pleasantly surprised at how many of the children remembered me since I worked there only two weeks. They all ran up and gave me hugs, but instead of a "hi, how are you...great to see you", they all asked "how is Adam and Aaron? Have you seen them or talked to them?" Every single kid asked me this, even the women that runs the center. Now I know I didn't work there very long, but these boys really left quite a fan club. You would think they are rock stars. They also asked me if Adam had had my baby yet. (apparently he was pregnant with my child when we were here...I don't believe the children understand human anatomy yet). Anyway...

I am very excited about working there and think it is really going to be a great experience again. The children are so wonderful. I have pictures of several of them on my website. You can see them here.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003

The Elections

As some of you may know the elections are coming up in November. They will be held November 9th and it has been quite interesting. One of the candidates is Gen. Rios Mont who was the general in ´81 that is responsible for killing over 20,000 Mayans. Anyway. Originally the government was not going to allow him to run, but after a riot in Guatemala City, they decided that it would be okay. The other day the newspaper had several articles on the candidates. Here´s what they had to say, just so you know the issues

Berger: Expatriots will get their pensions-I agree this is a problem however with thousands of children starving, I´m not sure this would be my top priority...but whatever.

Garcia-Gallon: Will reconstruct schools and public healthcare system-This actually seems like a pretty good idea since the public school system is in complete shambles and the community hospitals are very 3rd world in treating people.

Colon: speaking of Mont he said that ¨The general will not have immunity and justice will be served.- Finally, somebody says publically that this guy should pay for the war crimes he committed.

Mont: speaking to a group of Mayans in Peten (very rural area) ¨We need to respect the law, No more machetes, no more masacres, no more burning people¨-Aparently lynchings and mobs are common in this area.

What I thought was the best part of all of this was that Mont is looking for support from the very people he tried to exterminate. Unbelievable. I´m just utterly amazed. He says that people can change in their hearts, but still. I don´t know about this guy. Anyway. He only has about 9% in the polls so I don´t think he will win, but holy cow, who is this guy kidding. Does he think everyone has forgotten what he did. We will see.

Monday, September 22, 2003

On a Lighter Note

In an effort to lighten up the mood around my blog I have decided to write about the many car accidents I have been reading about in the paper. Now I must warn you, people have died, but these accidents are like something out of a movie.

Pedestrian problems: Apparently, there are some issues with people knowing how to cross the street safely. The traffic in Guatemala city can be compared to Capital Blvd around rush hour where the cars are going either 50 mph or at a dead stop. Because of all the trafic there are catwalks across these streets so that pedestrians can cross safely. In two days there were two seperate incidents of people getting hit and killed. Now I know that´s not funny, but in the photos in the paper you can see the catwalk right behind them. For the life of me I can´t figure out why these people chose to run across 8 lanes of traffic instead of using the catwalk that was less than 5 feet away. Locos.

Now for the car accidents. I have no fear of anything in Guatemala except for the drivers. First they don´t know how to stop for red lights or stop signs, they do more of a rolling stop. Second, they gas it constantly. There´s no gradual ecceleration.

Accident 1: A guy driving an SUV decided to run a read light at which point he ran into a chicken bus (old school busses that are rehabed as city and state transportation). The impact was so hard that the chicken bus was forced to drive into a house. I mean how fast was this guy going to push a bus into a building.

Accident 2: Headline ´Car smashed between minivan and Chicken Bus´ Okay. So apparently the guy driving the car thought that he could pass in between the other two vehicles. I don´t know I really can´t figure it about. I mean why would you try to go in between to vehicles. Your car isn´t that skinny.

Accident 3: Here the chicken busses are always in a hurry. They really don´t like to stop to pick people up, it´s more of a slow down and jump on. Also, if there is a vehicle stopped in the road, they will pass on a double yellow without hesitation. In this incident the chicken bus ran head on into an on comming truck. Now imagine these old school busses trying to gas it to get around another car. It doesn´t work that well. And of course the people have no fear here so instead of the other guy stopping he played chicken with the chicken bus. My guess is that bus will always win.

So as you can see mom and dad. I am not the worst driver in the world...close because they don´t call me Melissa ¨Crash¨ Wicks for nothing. I can´t imagine the cost of these peoples car insurance.


Sunday, September 21, 2003

Domestic Violence

I was planning on writing about the many car accidents highlighted in yesterdays paper (trying to show that there are people that have worse driving records than mine). However, I feel that there is something much more important that I would like to share which is a problem not only in Guatemala, but in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Last night I woke up at 1 am to two people screaming at each other. It was the next door neighbors, Iris' sister-in-law and her husband. They were arguing about something and I could here their 12-year-old saying "no mas, no mas" Earlier that day there had been an incident where the husband had come home really drunk and stared to toss his wife around when she ran away and a friend came and took him away. When he returned last night he was more drunk than in the afternoon.

I lay in my bed listening to the argument wondering what was going to happen...all of a sudden I hear a crashing noise while little Carlos screams "Mommy!!!!" I have never been a witness to domestic violence, however hearing it was enough to chill my blood. I have never heard a child scream like that.

I then proceded to open my door to walk out into the court yard. I didn't want to lay in bed any longer, but couldn't think of what else to do. Iris was standing there. She grabbed my hand and whisperd "Mija, Que horror" Everything fell silent for a minute. She told me to go back into my room. She was afraid that they would find out we were awake. At about 1:30 the police arrived. Again, I went out into the courtyard, Iris told me about how this had been going on for years. Her sister-in-law thought it would stop when she had a baby (the baby is now 4 months) but it didn't. Now she is pregnant again. Little Carlos (the 12-year-old) isn't the husbands. They've only been together for 5 year. As we were standing there whispering someone banged on the door. Iris shood me into my room. It was Carlos...

To make a long story short. The police arrested the husband and he is still in jail today. However, Iris doesn't have much faith because the sister-in-law always returns to him. I lay in my bed listening to the arguing of the husband and police and Iris trying to calm Carlos and the abuela. It was horrible.

I woke up this morning asking God to please help me. I've never experienced such a feeling of emptiness. I have seen the results of domestic violence, but I think to hear it or watch it really makes a print in your mind. I will never forget the sound of Carlos' voice screaming "Mommy"

I opened my bible this morning looking for answers. The first page I opened to had this message:

Matthew 24:45-51

"Who then is the faithfull and wise slave, whom his master has put in charge of his household, to give the other slaves their allowance of food at the proper time? Blessed is that slave whom his master will find at work when he arrives. Truely I tell you, he will put that one in charge of all his possessions. But if that wicked slave says to himself "My master is delayed" and begins to beat his fellow slaves, and eats and drinks with drunkards, the master of that slave will come one day when he does not expect him and at an hour that he does not know. He will cut him in pieces and put him with hypocrites where there will be weeping and nashing of teeth."

My only comfort is that someday this guy will get what he desearves. It should never be an option for him to return to the house, but she like so many women in these situations will let him in again.

Friday, September 19, 2003

First Week of Classes

Today I finished my first week of classes or I should say my first three days of classes. My teacher is Marina. She is so cool. Actually, she was the Salsa teacher for Adam and Aaron this summmer (boys on my previous trip here). She really is a great teacher. I´m hoping that I have her for the entire time that I am here. We´ve moved really fast this week and I feel like I am learning alot.

Right now I am reading a book called ¨A Brief History of Guatemala¨ I´m reading it in spanish and so it´s really great because not only am I learning more about the country, but I´m learning a lot of vocabulary that I probably would not study normally.

The girls in my house and I went to watch ¨The Mexican¨last night. I forgot how funny that movie was. If you haven´t seen it, you really should go watch it. It has Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt in it.

Okay...let me make a list of some essential things that I forgot

1. RAIN COAT- How the heck did I forget that. It rains every single day here.

2. Fleece Pullover-Again, what the heck was I thinking, I had a whole extra week to pack. It was right next to my suitcase. It gets down to like 65 at night...everyone knows how I´m always cold.

3. Coat-For crying out loud, where was my brain. I was going to wear it on the airplane. Yikes!

Even though that is only three things, for me, those are three very vital and important things. O´well. Luckily I have my heater-fan and that has been working wonderfully. I warm up the room before I go to bed and then run it while I´m in the shower in the morning.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003


So I had a lot of time on the airplane to look through the sky mall magazine and I wanted to share with everyone my top 5 finds. Let me tell you, some of this stuff was nuts

1. Stainless Steal Dish Rack-the description said ¨Three compartment utensil basket, commodious area for glasses and a slanted rimmed tray that allows water to drain¨ So let me hear some guesses on how much this cost...you´ll never guess. That´s right folks $95. Let me tell you, if I´ve got $95 to spend on a dish rack I better have someone washing the dishes for me.

2. Tie Rack-Now this is no ordinary tie rack...you can ¨Scan 72 ties in seconds in only 5 inches of space...simply press the control bar to glide 72 ties past your eyes for quick and easy selection¨I want to know who the heck has 72 ties. But then I started thinking...you know my dad has a ton of ties...so dad, if you want, I can get it for you for Christmas

3. 20 Foot Carpet Runner-This one is really great because 20 feet of carpet really seems like a lot of carpet but the best part is ¨Keep carpet clean by rolling out this machine washable runner¨ Who has a washing machine that can fit a 20 foot long carpet runner in it. Beats the hell out of me.

4. Door Mat-Now this doormat would not have caught my eye, but it looks exactly like the one at my parents house...I mean exactly. My dad flys a lot so I thought hey, he could have bought it from the sky mall, it is a great looking door mat, but then I looked at the price. This door mat was for the low low price $79. Now I must say this is a nice doormat, but holy cow $79 for something you are going to wipe your dirty feet all over. Que Loco! So please tell me you guys didn´t but the door mat from the sky mall.

5. Pocket Pepper Mill- "Ideal for savvy travelors and restaurant goers" $45 I don´t know how many times I´ve been in a restaurant and the guy with the pepper mill was completely incompetant, so of course this is one of the greatest inventions in the world. Please someone help me understand why the heck you need your own pocket pepper mill.

So as you can see there are many great things that you can buy on the sky mall and these were just a few I thought were not worthy.
I Am Here

Well I finally made it to Guatemala and today is my first day of classes. The airplane ride here wasn't too bad and we actually arrived in Guatemala about 20 minutes early. Everything ran really smooth up until I got to the airport in Guatemala. My ride wasn't there. So I stood there until 12 and was like "What the heck am I gonna do" So I called Iris (luckly I haver her number memorized). She called the school and they were like "Uh yeah, we're on our way" Aurelio didn't get there until like 1:15 so I seriously think they forgot me. No big deal though. I really didn't have anything else to do.

I got to Iris house around 2. My room is so cool. She really decorated it for my coming. She bought some pictures and things to hang on the wall along with a mirror and some stuff for my desk. It was beautiful. Right now we really have a house full. There are 4 girls staying there including myself. Iris moved her and the children out of there room and into the law office (connected to the house) temporarily. One girl is going to leave next week so then we will have a normal amount of people. The other girls are from France, Holand and Germany. It's really cool and makes for great conversations at dinner.

I brought a little heater fan with me and I am so glad. I used it last night for about 20 minutes to heat up my room and I used it again this morning after my shower. The hot water only comes out in a dribble so I've managed to get my shower time under 5 minutes. In and out as fast as possible. I had the best night sleep last night. I went to bed around 9pm and was up at 6am this morning. I'm just amazed at how easy it is to wake up here. The food is still the best...Iris' cooking is second to none. I think I will be a vaca gorda (fat cow) when I leave here.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

A Long Week of Day Time TV

I've pretty much spent the entire week on the couch getting the full experience of day time television. I have come to several conclusions. The first is that I need to go on the Price Is Right. It has been so frustrating morning after morning watching these people under and over bid. The highlighs of P.I.R. was when this young lady (named Melissa-her name did not help in her ability to price) bid $5,000 on the showcase show down for a trip, dodgers season tickets and a juke box. Now I'm no expert, but a week long trip to some another country could easily cost $5,000, but whatever. Then, this older women gets her showcase which was like some furniture and a camper and bids $35,000. Where the heck do they get these people. Poor Bob was like "What crack pipe are you guys spoking from?"

My second conclusion is that I need my own daytime TV talk show. I was flipping between the Wayne Brady show and the Ellen Degenerous show (sorry about the misspell). I just don't get. At times they both were interesting but the conversations with their guests were not that enlightening. I have come to the conclusion that Wayne Brady needs a variety show and not a talk show...and ellen...well she's funny, but not 10am in the morning while you're folding the laundry funny.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but I will refrain. I am scheduled to fly out Tuesday morning at 6:30 am. The labs from the doctor still have not come back, but I am feeling good enough to fly now. I'll just go see my doctor down there if all else fails. What a mess, however I did get to watch some interesting TV this week, so maybe it was all worth it...

Monday, September 08, 2003

Couldn't Make the Flight

So I didn't make the flight this morning. I can hear all of you going "WHAT!" For any of you who have seen me the last few days, you know that I have been sick. I went to Urgent Care on Sunday and they gave me antibiotics for Gerardia (sp?). I spent the whole evening so nausiated and so when I got up at 4am this morning I thought I was going to die. So I called Continental Airlines and got my flight resceduled for next Tuesday. I feel like crap. I went to my regular doctor this afternoon and we are running more tests. Hopefully I will get the labs back by friday, otherwise I may have to postpone my flight again. I don't know what the deal is, but this definately sucks.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Just A Few More Days

Well it's only 4 more days until I leave. I'm just about packed. I have packed a crazy amount of clothes, but last time I felt like I didn't have enough. I spent the weekend with my family. My grandma from Colorado was in town so it was great to see her. I even had a really good 2 hour lunch with my brother in Greensboro. (For those of you who know him, you know we only get along for the first 20 minutes so this was actually something major to write about.)

The 15th of September is Guatemala's independence day. I'm very excited and am anticipating major parades and events. Well I guess I should keep packing...

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