
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Green Pee at a 15% Discount

Two fridays ago, I got home from work and was super nausiated. This followed by a bit of diarhea and a complete loss of appetite for 5 days. So last tuesday as the diarhea continued I decided it was time to take a sample to the lab (sorry if this is too gross, but it gets fun).

On Wednesday I found out that I have "amoebas". These fun guys run around your G.I. track just making you absolutely miserable. Wednesday I was feeling okay though and didn't have time to get the medicine. By Thursday I was great and then last friday, I was back to my normal self. So I decided not to get the medicine.

Sunday night I was talking to one of my friends who told me I really needed to go get the stupid medicine. So yesterday I went to my regular pharmacy. I gave the pharmacist the sheet from the lab and asked "Do I really need to take the medicine? I feel fine now." He looked at me and said, "These are the worst type of amoebas and yes you have to take the medice...but I will give you a 15% discount."

YES!!!!!! See the pharmacies start you out at 5% and then as you become more of a regular customer they move you up by 5%. So now I am all the way up to 15%. How cool is that.

I decided not to take the medicine last night and so I took it this morning at 7 before going to school. At 9 I went to use the bathroom and when I got up to flush I saw that the water was NEON GREEN. That was a quick side effect. It is so cool. I have never had pee this color.

This is not the only side effect however. The others include, dizziness, nausia, vomiting and diarhea...all of which I have at this point. But hey, I have neon green pee and that is the coolest!

Thursday, October 07, 2004


I have been going through a "phase" the last month where I have been very clumsy. I am constantly tripping over something, banging into a wall or just something really stupid. Over a month ago I was walking home with Sabine from the market when I tripped and twisted my ankle in the street (they are cobblestone so it isn't that hard to do). Then a few days later I went to run back to school for something when I rolled my ankle except this time is was so bad that I fell to the ground. At this point I begin cursing because it is sending a shooting pain all the way of up my leg. Of course I couldn't walk...at all. I hop with my friends to the chicken bus and decide I have to go buy an Ace bandage. While walking to the pharmacy I slip and fall down again...aparently I am border line retarded in the area of walking.

So this has gone on for over a month. Then two weekends ago we all decided to go play soccer. While running I some how managed to slip and roll my ankle again. I fall to the ground in pain while all my friends circle around in disbelief. I sat out for one minute and decided to go back to playing again. I scored a goal and then had one assist so it was worth it. When I got home my ankle was completely black and blue. So I wrapped it again and went back to limping around.

Now just when you think it can't get worse, it does. Sunday I sat around and did nothing until 3 pm...infact, I didn't even leave my room. Finally I decided I have to get out of the house. So my friend had the suggestion we go to his parents house for the afternoon. Great I thought. I am rushing around getting ready when I SLAMMED my pinky toe into the dining room chair that did not budge one centimeter because it was up agaist the table leg. At which point, we both hear a CRACK! I stood there is disbelief as my friend got up and I said "No me toques, no me toques, no me toques!" which means, "don't touch me" I said it a million times really fast trying not to cry. So long story short, I CAN'T WALK! My toe is a nice shade of purple at the bone all the way around. I think I will not leave Guatemala walking right.


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