
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Foot Surgery

For those of you that have been following my blog you may remember that I had a stint where I was falling down and hurting myself and my ankles a lot. Well in March I ended up having foot surgery to correct all my injuries to my left foot. To make a long story short the surgeon had to cut out a bone out the inside of my foot and then reattach my tendon with screws. I ended up in a cast for 6 weeks. On April 18 I got the cast off and I can almost complete walk right now. What a major trip!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Back in the U.S.A.

I have been back in the U.S. for almost two months now and it really still seems like the strangest place. Do not get me wrong, I am absolutely thrilled that I get to see my family, however there a few small things that I desperately miss about Guatemala.

1. Good Morning-No one says good morning, or good afternoon or good evening in the U.S. You barely even say hi to someone when you are walking in out of buildings.

2. Everyone is unhappy-It Guatemala even though the majority of people who I knew were extremely poor, they were always smiling and happy. Now that I am here, no one is happy. Even though they have a nice house, cars, great food, a healthy family I have found that so many people are run into are very negative. How is it in a society that has so much, really has so little.

3. Fresh Food-There was no wax on the produce in Guatemala and MSG or preservatives are as foreign as grits and livermush. I spent the entire month of December with a splitting headache (migrane stregnth) due to my bodies intolerance to preservatives. It really made me realize how bad our food is for us here.

With that all said, I must say that I have never been so happy in my life to be able to get in my car and drive, see my family and eat what ever I want. It's good to be home, but I also miss my other home too.


Sunday, November 07, 2004

Mall Music

I have now discovered that the mall christmas music is the same no matter what country you are in. After spending all day in Guatemala City at one of the hospitals (long story, I'll write about it later), I decided to finish the day by going to the mall and eating Subway. Iris and I get there and the three story tree is already up and decorated. As I am riding the escalator to the third floor (where the foodcourt is) I hear the song Sleighride come on over the P.A. It was hysterical because it was the same version that all the malls in America have. Throughout my hour long mall experience they played all of the "Christmas' Greatest Hits". I walked outside half expecting to get into my car and drive home to my aparment in Raleigh. It was so strange.

However, I walked outside and got on a chicken bus, only to sit in traffic for an hour and a half listening to Mexican Ranchera music and the drunk guy behind me sing along, that's when I snapped back into reality and the fact that I was still in Guate.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Green Pee at a 15% Discount

Two fridays ago, I got home from work and was super nausiated. This followed by a bit of diarhea and a complete loss of appetite for 5 days. So last tuesday as the diarhea continued I decided it was time to take a sample to the lab (sorry if this is too gross, but it gets fun).

On Wednesday I found out that I have "amoebas". These fun guys run around your G.I. track just making you absolutely miserable. Wednesday I was feeling okay though and didn't have time to get the medicine. By Thursday I was great and then last friday, I was back to my normal self. So I decided not to get the medicine.

Sunday night I was talking to one of my friends who told me I really needed to go get the stupid medicine. So yesterday I went to my regular pharmacy. I gave the pharmacist the sheet from the lab and asked "Do I really need to take the medicine? I feel fine now." He looked at me and said, "These are the worst type of amoebas and yes you have to take the medice...but I will give you a 15% discount."

YES!!!!!! See the pharmacies start you out at 5% and then as you become more of a regular customer they move you up by 5%. So now I am all the way up to 15%. How cool is that.

I decided not to take the medicine last night and so I took it this morning at 7 before going to school. At 9 I went to use the bathroom and when I got up to flush I saw that the water was NEON GREEN. That was a quick side effect. It is so cool. I have never had pee this color.

This is not the only side effect however. The others include, dizziness, nausia, vomiting and diarhea...all of which I have at this point. But hey, I have neon green pee and that is the coolest!

Thursday, October 07, 2004


I have been going through a "phase" the last month where I have been very clumsy. I am constantly tripping over something, banging into a wall or just something really stupid. Over a month ago I was walking home with Sabine from the market when I tripped and twisted my ankle in the street (they are cobblestone so it isn't that hard to do). Then a few days later I went to run back to school for something when I rolled my ankle except this time is was so bad that I fell to the ground. At this point I begin cursing because it is sending a shooting pain all the way of up my leg. Of course I couldn't walk...at all. I hop with my friends to the chicken bus and decide I have to go buy an Ace bandage. While walking to the pharmacy I slip and fall down again...aparently I am border line retarded in the area of walking.

So this has gone on for over a month. Then two weekends ago we all decided to go play soccer. While running I some how managed to slip and roll my ankle again. I fall to the ground in pain while all my friends circle around in disbelief. I sat out for one minute and decided to go back to playing again. I scored a goal and then had one assist so it was worth it. When I got home my ankle was completely black and blue. So I wrapped it again and went back to limping around.

Now just when you think it can't get worse, it does. Sunday I sat around and did nothing until 3 pm...infact, I didn't even leave my room. Finally I decided I have to get out of the house. So my friend had the suggestion we go to his parents house for the afternoon. Great I thought. I am rushing around getting ready when I SLAMMED my pinky toe into the dining room chair that did not budge one centimeter because it was up agaist the table leg. At which point, we both hear a CRACK! I stood there is disbelief as my friend got up and I said "No me toques, no me toques, no me toques!" which means, "don't touch me" I said it a million times really fast trying not to cry. So long story short, I CAN'T WALK! My toe is a nice shade of purple at the bone all the way around. I think I will not leave Guatemala walking right.


Sunday, September 26, 2004

The Joy of Eating....Lost Forever

One thing that I really lack is food options here. Because meat is expensive, I have bought chicken 1 time in the last month. Mostly, when Sabine and I go to the market we buy, frijoles, rice, vegetables (they are dirt cheap) a pinapple and that is about it. We get cheese made in the market (Q10) that we call water cheese. It is white, tasteless and kinda mushy. Then we go to the grocery store and get yogurt, saltines and if it is the beginning of the month, cereal (always without milk, that is way too expensive.)

Our meals consist of, pasta with assorted vegetables, rice with assorted vegetables and assorted vegetables on a bed of spinich leaves. We can also do once in awhile, mashed potatoes with, none other than, assorted vegetables. Seriously, this is all I eat. Bread is a luxury item also. It is fairly expensive. As you can see, one can get really bored with the food situation.

Yesterday, Sabine and I decided to spice it up a bit. We got out the saltines. Next we put small pieces of the water cheese on them, then a thin slice of tomato. Next we got out the balsamic vinegrette that Danny brought us from the U.S. and Ta-Daaa. It's almost like fine dinning. We finished eating at which point Sabine looks at me and says..."This really is pathetic." That about sums it up.

So, when I get home this afternoon, I will put some pasta on, chop up some vegetables and eat, pasta with assorted vegetables. Who knows, maybe I'll throw in a little "All Spice" to jazz it up a bit.


Thursday, September 23, 2004

Disecting Sentences

When I was younger I hated grammar. I really didn't know what a noun was until I think I was 9. One of my least favorite subjects to teach is grammar. It is really hard especially since my students are not native speakers. However, I have done something that I thought I would never do. I am making them disect sentences....AAAHHHHH I've turned into an English teacher. The kids absolutely hate it. My favorite quote was "Miss Melissa this is stupid" followed by "Do you hate us, why do we have to do this." It's a really good way though to find out if they know what a noun, verb, adverb, adjective and pronoun is. I believe I have entered into the catagory of "World's Worst Teacher" Yikes..I really do scare myself sometimes.


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